

The Paris Basketball, through its president David Kahn, is proud to announce the renewal of its commitment to One Team, the corporate social responsibility (CSR) program of Euroleague Basketball.

Supported by Turkish Airlines, One Team was launched in 2012 and has reached the milestone of 24,000 participants through all its projects.



Committed both in sports and socially, the Club is proud to participate in this humanitarian campaign in collaboration with Fútbol Más.


At the heart of the various issues raised by One Team: the integration of people in difficulty, which particularly touches us in this period.


Always ready to step up for a good cause, Paris Basketball has chosen to engage in partnership with this NGO. The goal: to support the integration of refugees through sports.




Paris Basketball player Gauthier Denis has also taken on the role of ambassador to bring a bit of joy and a lot of dignity to all those who are suffering.



As a person, it is important for me to renew my commitment to the One Team program. In my daily life, I consider it crucial to take the time to help others, regardless of the cause… I want to believe that sports remain one of the few places where everyone plays on an equal footing. There is no distinction of origin, gender, or even religion. For all these reasons, I am very proud to be one of the ambassadors of One Team,” said Gauthier Denis, Paris Basketball player.



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