Kratzer in the spotlight

This Wednesday evening, our Parisians beat Prometey (96 – 79) for their fifth consecutive EuroCup victory. Leon Kratzer put in an XXL performance last night.


A giant at the top


Last night, our Parisians pocketed their fifth EuroCup success, enabling the Club to consolidate top spot in the group. The victory was achieved thanks to a collective effort that paid off match after match.


On Lithuanian soil, our German pivot Leon Kratzer excelled himself with a double-double in just 18 minutes. All this with an 86% shooting success rate.


A real wall for opponents to breach, the German pivot was able to impose himself in both offensive and defensive phases, with 11 rebounds, 2 counters and an incredible 23 rating.


A promising performance from our German recruit.


To be continued…

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